Learning QuickSafety: A Walkthrough of Its Key Features

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Inspection and Testing verification is an important part of the work of electricians and electrical contractors in Australia. Once completed, the electricians can prepare a state’ s required Certificate of Compliance. This shows that the work done complies with and meets existing federal and state safety regulations and standards. The problem is, the task of recording test values, and then lodging and processing compliance certificates can be tedious and time-consuming. It can even lead to loads of clutter and paperwork which can negatively impact operations and your state of mind.

This is one of the reasons why the QuickSafety team and I developed the QuickSafety app.

Our app serves as an easy-to-use tool for lodging, processing, managing, and storing compliance certificates and helps ensure that the work is done and is compliant to AS/NZS 3000 standards. This is important since failure to be compliant can lead to hefty fines and even having your license revoked.

In a nutshell, the QuickSafety app makes life easier for electricians and electrical contractors, especially in terms of compliance certificates, while saving them from incurring penalties and breaking compliance laws. So, how does our all-around electrical compliance app achieve just that? Below, we highlight and explain some of its key features to give you a better idea of how QuickSafety can change the way you work for the better.

Easy and Quick Compliance Lodging

Thanks to technological advancements and the internet, we now have the ability to complete certain tasks easier and much faster compared to the past. The QuickSafety app is a clear reflection of this. Users can lodge inspection and testing values as well as compliance certificates via their mobile phones and complete the process in just a fraction of the time. This significantly reduces paperwork and eliminates the stress of manual filing.

Pre-plan Your Jobs

We developed the QuickSafety app with proper job management in mind. As such, we made sure that it allows users to pre-plan their jobs. This feature lets you log your future jobs many days ahead, saving you time in the process and allowing you to manage your workload better. Knowing and planning your jobs ahead of time allows you to better prepare and do your homework for increased job efficiency.

Automatic Syncing

The QuickSafety app also enables better collaboration and communication between admin and team members. With its instant syncing feature, information is automatically synced and updated across all devices. This ensures that all team members are updated when it comes to information they need to finish the task, and enables easier reporting on job progress.

Offline Capability

We’re well aware that you can’t always be online 24/7. There will be times that you’ll be out of Wi-Fi or network range, so we made sure that our app still works offline. It validates test results to AS/NZS 3000 Standards, as well as automatically stores your data and work progress even if you’re not connected to the internet. And, once you’re back online, it will upload data so you won’t have to start over.

Secure Storage

Another thing that we don’t like about paperwork and manual compliance filing is that important files tend to get lost over time. We remove this headache with the QuickSafety app. It lets you keep track of all the compliance certificates you’ve lodged and stores them securely for the required five years (or seven years in New Zealand).

With these features, the QuickSafety app allows you to better collaborate, manage your work, save time, and meet compliance standards—important requirements if you want to effectively scale your business.

If you want to know more about this app, please don’t hesitate to send us a message and we’ll be more than happy to help you out. The QuickSafety app is now available for download on Google Play (Android devices) and iTunes (for iOS devices).

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